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Contraceptive Services for Women

Free Contraception for ALL WOMEN aged 17-35

Who is eligible for the scheme?

From 5 July 2024, all women aged 17-35 whether GMS or Private, who are ordinarily resident in the State, are eligible for free contraceptive services.  You are deemed ordinarily resident, if you have been living in the State for at least a year or intend to live here for at least one year.  Patients will need to provide their full name, address, date of birth and PPSN to access the scheme.

Please see the following link.

What types of contraception are covered?

The contraceptive pill, patch, ring, Mirena, Kyleena and Jaydess (coils, also know as intrauterine devices or systems; IUS, IUD), Implanon (contraceptive implant) and Depo Provera (contraceptive injection).

Emergency contraception is also covered under the scheme.  However, similar to current practice, emergency contraception may be accessed directly from the community pharmacy without attending a GP.

Medical Card patients aged 36-44

Medical card patients aged 36 to 44 years who are not covered by the Universal Contraceptive Scheme are entitled to one consultation per annum.